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Transformative Cosmetic Dentistry in McAllen, TX

Your smile is an integral part of what people notice when they meet you. To foster memorable first impressions and maximized confidence, Xpress Dental services extend beyond just general dentistry with our selection of full-service cosmetic dentistry treatments. Discover comprehensive dental care and your whitest, brightest smile with our team in McAllen, TX.

Cosmetic Dentistry in McAllen, TX

Enhance the Form & Function of Your Smile

At Xpress Dental, we know that achieving a beautiful teeth aesthetic sometimes requires more than routine dental care. To satisfy every requirement of your smile, we provide various cosmetic dental treatments. From subtle enhancements to complete makeovers, anything is possible with our cosmetic dentistry services.

Common Concerns Corrected With Cosmetic Dentistry

There are many reasons to consider cosmetic dentistry. These treatments can be used to address and correct a wide range of aesthetic dental concerns, including but not limited to:

  • Teeth stains/discoloration
  • Minor chips or slight cracks
  • Misaligned or crooked teeth
  • Gapped teeth
  • Misshapen or disproportionate teeth
  • “Gummy” smiles

A Tailored Approach to Improving Your Teeth Aesthetic

The cosmetic dentistry experience at Xpress Dental begins with a complete oral assessment. This enables us to detect dental concerns and collaborate with you to develop a personalized cosmetic dentistry plan. Depending on your smile aspirations, these plans may include:

  • Teeth whitening
  • Porcelain veneers
  • Tooth-colored composite bonding
  • Clear aligners
  • Gum contouring/crown lengthening

Porcelain Veneers

Optimal oral health does not necessarily equate to a seamless smile. If you’re unsatisfied with the overall appearance of your teeth, we may recommend porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers are thin, shell-like oral prosthetics individually bonded to the front surface of each tooth. Veneers mask chips, misshapen teeth, and discoloration to achieve a whiter, brighter, and more uniform smile.

Tooth-Colored Composite Bonding

Dental bonding is a cost-effective alternative to porcelain veneers. This process involves applying a tooth-colored composite resin directly on the surface of the tooth to improve its shape, color, and overall appearance. Once the desired structure is achieved, the composite is cured using a specialty lighting device to ensure striking, long-lasting results.

Crown Lengthening & Tooth Contouring

Misshapen or disproportionate teeth and “gummy” smiles can damage self-esteem. To address and improve these minor yet invasive smile faults, we may suggest crown lengthening or tooth contouring. This treatment involves removing excess gum tissue and/or tooth enamel to create a cohesive, seamless smile.

Professional Teeth Whitening

When at-home whitening kits and toothpaste fail to deliver results, Xpress Dental can help. To empower a whiter, brighter smile, we offer both in-office teeth whitening and take-home whitening trays. Using industry-grade whitening agents and a special light to expedite the process, our professional teeth whitening treatments can brighten your smile by up to eight shades.

Clear Aligners

Crooked teeth, bite misalignments, and tooth gaps can detract from your smile. However, traditional braces are bulky and may make you feel more self-conscious. To straighten and align your teeth without compromising your confidence, we offer custom-made clear aligners. These treatments involve a series of custom-fitted trays that gradually shift the teeth into alignment.

General & Restorative Dental Care

The foundation of a beautiful smile is rooted in optimal oral health. To protect and enhance the integrity and appearance of your teeth, gums, and bite, we may suggest general and/or restorative dental care in addition to cosmetic treatment, including:

  • Dental cleanings
  • Composite fillings
  • Dental crowns
  • Bridges and partials
  • Tooth extraction
  • Scaling and root planning

Experience the Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is a transformative investment. The benefits of these comprehensive treatment plans include:

  • Enhanced teeth aesthetics and oral health
  • A confident smile and greater self-esteem
  • Minimally invasive procedures
  • Cost-effective treatments and long-lasting results
  • Reduced risk of oral health conditions

Invest in Your Smile With Our Cosmetic Dentistry Services

You deserve to smile with confidence. Whether you’re seeking a simple teeth whitening procedure or a complete smile makeover with porcelain veneers, Xpress Dental is here to help you achieve your dream smile. Contact our friendly professionals to schedule your cosmetic dentistry consultation in McAllen, TX, today.